Men's Wedding Bands: The Complete Guide

Men wear jewellery a lot these days, so adding a wedding band to their collection isn't a big deal, and they already have a good idea of what they want. On the other hand, a lot of men have never worn jewellery before, and the idea of wearing a wedding ring is scary to them.
Wedding bells represent a lot of things, like love, loyalty, eternity, and the circle of life. It's a reminder of a very important day in your life and a promise to another person.
Even though you might not feel the need to wear a wedding ring right now, you might in the future. So, when you're deciding what to buy, try to imagine yourself 30 years from now and think about what you'd be comfortable wearing. Also, the ring you buy should last you 50, 60, or 70 years, so make sure you choose a precious metal. Custom made jewellery is also an option.
When it comes to the materials used to make men's wedding bands, there are also a lot of choices. To start, there is the classic that will never go out of style: gold. Gold is a soft metal, so it's not a good idea to make a wedding ring out of it because it won't last as long as a good marriage. The smart choice would be to choose an alloy of gold, such as 18klt or 9kt gold or platinum. These metals can last for hundreds of years or more.
The most common colour of these precious metals is yellow gold, but they also come in rose gold and white gold or platinum. One of these three shades of gold will look best with your skin tone. The only way to figure this out is to try them on. Once you do, it's easy to see which one is best.
It's important to know that the colour of gold you choose won't change the price of the ring you buy much, if at all. The price will depend more on how much pure gold is in the alloy than on what colour you choose.
We've already talked about how, if you want your wedding ring to last for a long, happy marriage, you need to choose a precious metal. Silver shouldn't be thought of because it's too soft, and the same goes for pure gold.
If you liked the colour of yellow gold or rose gold best, you have to choose the karat. This tells you how much gold is in the alloy. 9kt gold is made up of 37.5 percent pure gold, 14kt gold is made up of 58.5 percent pure gold, and 18kt gold is made up of 75% pure gold.
The more gold you get, the more you'll have to pay, so if your budget can handle it, 18kt is always the best choice. However, if your budget is tight, you might want to consider 9kt instead, which will last as long as 18kt but cost almost half as much.
If you'd rather have white gold on your skin, you have more options. As finished products, platinum, white gold, and silver always look the same, but they are not.
Silver is by far the least expensive, but it is also very soft and wouldn't last long enough to be a wedding ring.
Platinum would be the most expensive and the heaviest option, but it would stay the same colour and only need to be polished once in a while to look its best.
The white gold option actually needs more care because white gold is a very light yellow colour on its own and is sold with a rhodium plating to make it look like platinum. This does wear off over time, and the light yellow colour will show through.
What to look for in men's wedding bands and how to find your style
Thanks to the wide range of materials that are now available, there are a lot of different styles and options for men's wedding rings. You need to find out what works best for you. First, you have to decide if you want your wedding band to match your partner's or not. Many people want their wedding bands to match the colour of their engagement rings. Talk to your partner about it before making a decision to find out what they think of the colour and if they want it to match. Choose a colour that you both like if neither of you has anything against it.
Most men just want a wedding band made of the metal of their choice, with no diamonds or other stones. This could be a simple flat, half-round, or despise shape made of a single metal, or it could be a ring made of many different metals with intricate engraving. When it comes to the band itself, there are so many different kinds that you would be surprised.
The band can have its bevel, or curve, changed. Instead of a curved ring, you might like a flat one with a smooth, flat shape. There may also be a flat edge, making a circle with a flat edge and a flat top.
Today, you have a lot of options. You can even make your own engraving and have it put on your wedding ring.
If you want to add a gemstone because it's your birthstone or because you like the way it looks, you can choose from a rainbow of colours and any shape you want.
You can also choose different ways to finish the metals, such as polished, satin, brushed, or hammered. The polished look is always the most expensive, and the brushed look is always the most understated.
Lastly, you can have the ring written inside the band as an extra option. In this section, you could write the name of your spouse or the date of your wedding. You could even write a short message on your t-shirt. If you buy a ring from a well-known brand, the name of the brand might also be engraved here.
Suggestions to Think About
There are a few important things to think about when choosing men's wedding rings. When buying something, you should first look at how pure it is. When buying gold, the purity level affects how much the ring costs. When buying silver, however, the purity level has a much bigger effect on whether or not the ring will last.
Depending on what they are made of, some things are "silver-plated" or "platinum-plated." So, the ring is made of a tin-based alloy like nickel or steel, and then it is covered with silver or platinum. But over time, the precious metal will wear away, leaving you with a band with dark spots instead of one that looks like silver or platinum. If this is the case, the only way to fix it is to have it dipped again, which would change how thick the ring is and may mean that it also needs to be resized.
If someone is allergic to nickel, using certain plated items could make their skin break out in hives and turn red. Buy a gold-plated ring with the intention that it will give you hives in the future. If you haven't already been exposed to this kind of allergen, you might not know about it until it shows up in your body. When buying jewellery, you should always think about how pure the material is and if it is plated.
Pay close attention to the extra services the jeweller offers you as you make your choice. Some jewellers may clean your ring for free as long as it stays in their store. Others will replace missing diamonds or diamond chips at no cost to the customer. Less-than-professional jewellers will not give you the option of getting a free replacement. Jewellery should be made to last a lifetime, and diamonds shouldn't ever fall out of it. If a jeweller is sure that their products are good, they will offer you this replacement guarantee. If a company doesn't think its rings are good enough, it won't sell them. In other words, if you want a wedding band with diamonds on it, you should only work with a shop that does this kind of work often.
The band will have to be made to fit your finger perfectly. There shouldn't ever be a charge for this. Some companies can do this on-site, but others have to send it to a different facility. High-end stores like Tiffany's will send the ring out to be resized when it's convenient for them. But a local jeweller will probably be able to resize the ring well if they send it back to the best gemologists and jewellers in the business to work on it (just make sure to inspect completely it upon receiving it back).
Make sure to get the men's wedding band insured after you buy it. You've probably heard horror stories about people who lost their wedding bands while camping, swimming on their honeymoon, or doing just about anything else in their lives. The last thing you want is to have to replace it and lose the money you've already spent on it. This might be something that you can add to your homeowner's insurance. If not, your insurance company might be able to cover the item in a special way. Even though it only costs a few dollars a month, it is well worth the money. Also, you should get enough insurance to cover your partner's wedding and engagement rings while you're at it. This gives you peace of mind because you know that if anything happens to it, you will be paid for it.
No matter how much you know about men's jewellery or if this is your first time shopping for jewellery, you won't have a hard time choosing the right men's wedding ring for you. When you look at all of these things together, you'll be able to choose a high-quality ring that not only fits your budget but also fits your style.